
Is this Sexism? This Feels like Sexism.

Alright so my boss is a jerk, a big one. She has done lots of shitty things prior to this but I just need some opinions on this situation. I work in a female dominated industry. To be specific I work in a vet/lodging facility on the Daycare and lodging side. There is a really high turn over here in the back and I am the only one who has made it a year, the rest of the staff was hired 7 months after me at the latest and a week ago at the most recent. I have worked there since June of last year so last month I hit a year working here. I get paid 15 an hour and the only reason I got that raise was because I threatened to quite among the last mass quitting and would have left them with one full timer. Around this…

Alright so my boss is a jerk, a big one. She has done lots of shitty things prior to this but I just need some opinions on this situation.

I work in a female dominated industry. To be specific I work in a vet/lodging facility on the Daycare and lodging side. There is a really high turn over here in the back and I am the only one who has made it a year, the rest of the staff was hired 7 months after me at the latest and a week ago at the most recent.

I have worked there since June of last year so last month I hit a year working here. I get paid 15 an hour and the only reason I got that raise was because I threatened to quite among the last mass quitting and would have left them with one full timer.

Around this time, 7 months ago, A(female) was hired at 13 an hour, part time. She had two years in dog lodging and daycare experience and we liked her in the working interview. She tired to negotiate up to 14.50 or 14 an hour but they said the highest they could go was 13.

A couple weeks later B(male) was hired at 15 an hour, full time. For reference most of the old teams started at minimum wage or 13 an hour and I worked my ass off for a raise to 15. He has dog training experience, training explosive detection dogs to be specific and we liked him in the working interview. Although I feel it is important to mention dog training experience is not lodging and daycare experience. A had more relevant experience and B was hired at the same rate as their longest standing employee.

During the last two months A has seen ads from our facility starting at a higher pay then what she was getting paid 13.50 to be exact, full or part time. People started and quit after she became a part of the team at 13.50. She asked for a raise last month, just up to 13.50, and management said that they were out of the wage budget and couldn't give her a raise. Even though two people who had just quit were getting paid more then her and we were trying to hire more people. I think it is important to mention the ones who quit were female and getting paid more but this was before A asked for a raise and before they ran into “budget issues.”

Last week another male, C was hired, at 13.25, part time…

TLDR I(female) am getting paid the same as B(male) who started 8 months after I did. C(male) is getting paid more then A(female) when she started around 7 months after him. A asked for more money when she was hired and a month later B was hired for more then she was asking and A asked for more money a month before they hired C.

Sexism or not it is still messed up and I would love some advice on what to do either way. Thank you!

Also no shade to A, B, or C, they are all great people.

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