
is this work place retaliation?

So for the past several months I've been going to a department that's not mine doing work that I shouldn't be doing and I'm not properly trained for, yesterday they told me I'd be there and have to report there for the next week because they need the bodies, instead of hiring new people they're taking us from our department the same department every day there are like six different departments and they don't take from any other department is there anything I can do to change this

So for the past several months I've been going to a department that's not mine doing work that I shouldn't be doing and I'm not properly trained for, yesterday they told me I'd be there and have to report there for the next week because they need the bodies, instead of hiring new people they're taking us from our department the same department every day there are like six different departments and they don't take from any other department is there anything I can do to change this

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