
Is this your fault?

Everyone here wants to quit their shitty jobs. I get that. You’re underpaid, and want to live a life where you can enjoy the luxuries of modern day. When Tyre Sampson, a straight A student and aspiring athlete with great potential, wanted to enjoy the luxuries of modern day he died. The ride operator was trained only 4.5 weeks prior. I don’t blame her, but I wonder if this attitude to quit led to an understaffed amusement ride. If there was a more experienced person there this might have been avoided. By not wanting to work you don’t get to go to amusement parks where people work. Thanks for killing a potential NFL athlete who wanted to buy his mom a house. None of you losers will be able to buy a house for yourselves let alone contribute to society. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Everyone here wants to quit their shitty jobs. I get that. You’re underpaid, and want to live a life where you can enjoy the luxuries of modern day. When Tyre Sampson, a straight A student and aspiring athlete with great potential, wanted to enjoy the luxuries of modern day he died. The ride operator was trained only 4.5 weeks prior. I don’t blame her, but I wonder if this attitude to quit led to an understaffed amusement ride. If there was a more experienced person there this might have been avoided. By not wanting to work you don’t get to go to amusement parks where people work. Thanks for killing a potential NFL athlete who wanted to buy his mom a house. None of you losers will be able to buy a house for yourselves let alone contribute to society. This is why we can’t have nice things.

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