
Is training required to be paid?

Long story short I completed life guard training (16 hours) I was not paid for it. When I reached out to pay roll they said that specific training we don’t get paid for. We only get paid for our 3 hours online. Not to mention before the in person training we were required to complete a 6 hour online course that also does not count apparently. Could anyone help me with this because I’m pretty sure this is illegal and I’m having a hard time finding sources to back myself up to demand this to be paid.

Long story short I completed life guard training (16 hours) I was not paid for it. When I reached out to pay roll they said that specific training we don’t get paid for. We only get paid for our 3 hours online. Not to mention before the in person training we were required to complete a 6 hour online course that also does not count apparently. Could anyone help me with this because I’m pretty sure this is illegal and I’m having a hard time finding sources to back myself up to demand this to be paid.

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