
Is what he did ok?

So, I was working for a company in GA and my mental health took a nose dive. I quit three weeks into the new role. I believe I was incorrectly labeled as a 1099 employee. He also cut my wage and hours on my final pay and sent it through a bank app instead of direct deposit. I was being paid $16/hr. He did pay me for the first check for the correct amount of hours and pay. Last night, I get a text that says he sent my final pay but there’s $100 missing. I texted him this morning about it and he’s claiming I abandoned my job (I clarified in the text I had quit not abandoned), that he lowered my pay to $8/hr because he lost money on me and says for training. He also didn’t pay me for the full 21 hours worked he even states…

So, I was working for a company in GA and my mental health took a nose dive. I quit three weeks into the new role. I believe I was incorrectly labeled as a 1099 employee. He also cut my wage and hours on my final pay and sent it through a bank app instead of direct deposit.

I was being paid $16/hr. He did pay me for the first check for the correct amount of hours and pay. Last night, I get a text that says he sent my final pay but there’s $100 missing. I texted him this morning about it and he’s claiming I abandoned my job (I clarified in the text I had quit not abandoned), that he lowered my pay to $8/hr because he lost money on me and says for training. He also didn’t pay me for the full 21 hours worked he even states he took the hours down to 14.8.

Is this legal?! What do I do?! I’ve already been struggling hard just like a lot of people but please tell me this can’t be right. I will answer any questions I can. Sorry if this is all over the place, I’m shaking from this just happening.

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