
Is withholding tips under these circumstances illegal?

I'm a Barista in WA State at a locally owned coffee shop. I started this job a couple of weeks ago and have already seen things that shouldn't be happening (cross-contamination, unsafe tools to work with, dress code not in coordination with state law, etc.), but my biggest thing so far is the tipping. Until I am “fully trained,” I can not receive tips, even though I do everything else every other barista does, just half as fast. My manager said this is to “motivate new people to learn quickly.” I think this is a crappy motivation method, but personally, whatever. However, recently a coworker of mine showed up late, and my manager told her that she could no longer receive tips for a week because this was her 3rd time showing up late. The reason I haven't jumped on this more isint because I don't care about the well-being…

I'm a Barista in WA State at a locally owned coffee shop. I started this job a couple of weeks ago and have already seen things that shouldn't be happening (cross-contamination, unsafe tools to work with, dress code not in coordination with state law, etc.), but my biggest thing so far is the tipping.

Until I am “fully trained,” I can not receive tips, even though I do everything else every other barista does, just half as fast. My manager said this is to “motivate new people to learn quickly.” I think this is a crappy motivation method, but personally, whatever. However, recently a coworker of mine showed up late, and my manager told her that she could no longer receive tips for a week because this was her 3rd time showing up late.

The reason I haven't jumped on this more isint because I don't care about the well-being of my coworkers, but because my sister landed me this job, and I don't want to end up being fired and dragging her down with me.

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