
Isn’t it insane that a person’s “dream job” is simply making a living wage rather than living out what they want to do with their life?

For years we would hear people say “I want to become ___ so I can help people” or “I want to become a ___ because it's what I love” or “my dream is to become a ___!” We don't even hear things like this anymore, and if we do it's not because someone is chasing their dream job, it's because they think that gives them their best opportunity for success – which has a very low bar that seems unobtainable. No one grows up (or as an adult says) “You know what I'd like to do? Work 60-hour weeks, barely afford rent/housing and food all because I like a challenge!” I feel like more than ever, as obvious as it may seem, people are working jobs, not careers, and doing anything to try to get by. The idea of a career is dead. The idea of having a dream job…

For years we would hear people say “I want to become ___ so I can help people” or “I want to become a ___ because it's what I love” or “my dream is to become a ___!” We don't even hear things like this anymore, and if we do it's not because someone is chasing their dream job, it's because they think that gives them their best opportunity for success – which has a very low bar that seems unobtainable. No one grows up (or as an adult says) “You know what I'd like to do? Work 60-hour weeks, barely afford rent/housing and food all because I like a challenge!” I feel like more than ever, as obvious as it may seem, people are working jobs, not careers, and doing anything to try to get by. The idea of a career is dead. The idea of having a dream job for the sake of happiness is dead. I don't know how much longer people can keep being unhappy, unhealthy physically and mentally, and keep this mindset.

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