
It actually makes sense why the rich complain about student loan forgiveness, while at the same time getting hundreds of thousands of PPP loans

Have you seen these posts of the rich complaining about student loan forgiveness, while at the same time getting hundreds of thousands of PPP loans? Does it make sense? Yes actually. See all that talk of personal responsibility and pulling yourself up with no help, it's meant for you. Because once you buy that, you won't question how someone can make more money in a minute than you do in a year. But the truth is these aren’t extraordinary people that just deserve that much more. They aren’t smarter, more clever, and definitely not more hard working than the average person. They are royalty through luck, birth, and cut throat narcissism. And they know it. That’s why they’re trying to kick that ladder – so no one else can climb up and be equal to them, because they are painfully average. In this context, it all makes sense. If you…

Have you seen these posts of the rich complaining about student loan forgiveness, while at the same time getting hundreds of thousands of PPP loans? Does it make sense? Yes actually.

See all that talk of personal responsibility and pulling yourself up with no help, it's meant for you. Because once you buy that, you won't question how someone can make more money in a minute than you do in a year. But the truth is these aren’t extraordinary people that just deserve that much more. They aren’t smarter, more clever, and definitely not more hard working than the average person. They are royalty through luck, birth, and cut throat narcissism. And they know it. That’s why they’re trying to kick that ladder – so no one else can climb up and be equal to them, because they are painfully average.

In this context, it all makes sense. If you won a billion today, you would live out your life to the fullest. Why the fuck would you even care if someone gets healthcare, or school lunches? All their crusades to make sure the people beneath them don’t get a leg up, however small, it makes sense. They are insecure because their status is defined only by money. Underneath that pile of gold they are nothing special. Just sad pathetic narcissists that can end world hunger on a whim but would rather buy yacht number six. Fuck these people, but most importantly, don’t believe a word out of their mouths. They’re always speaking in their best interests, and they are your enemy.

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