
It Corporatism not Capitalism that’s the problem.

Everywhere I go online, everybody likes to blame Capitalism for our problems. I can't speak for all countries,but in America, we really are not a Capitalist society anymore. We are borderline Corporatist. From my understanding, it does come from a Capitalist beginning. Most of our policies helps major Corporations most of the time. Most of us have to work for someone else to survive. If you invent something, unless it is something that does not exist, you usually have to go through a corporation to get the product made. If you work for the company and invent something, unless it is not related to the company, you don't have claim over the invention. Capitalism is where you own your own work. I don't feel like I own any of my own work I ever did since I started working. It always belong to someone else. So I would argue that…

Everywhere I go online, everybody likes to blame Capitalism for our problems. I can't speak for all countries,but in America, we really are not a Capitalist society anymore. We are borderline Corporatist. From my understanding, it does come from a Capitalist beginning.
Most of our policies helps major Corporations most of the time. Most of us have to work for someone else to survive. If you invent something, unless it is something that does not exist, you usually have to go through a corporation to get the product made. If you work for the company and invent something, unless it is not related to the company, you don't have claim over the invention.
Capitalism is where you own your own work. I don't feel like I own any of my own work I ever did since I started working. It always belong to someone else. So I would argue that it is not Capitalism but Corporatism that is the problem. Thought?

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