
It finally happened – demanding M T Th in the office. Not gonna have it.

My job finally came out with a “new hybrid work policy.” In the policy they're mandating all corporate workers return to the office three specific days a week. I thought about it for a few days, and the stress of returning to sit in a cubicle to work Excel and Teams meetings is too much to bear for me. I have hardly slept, hardly ate, frankly I haven't felt this bad since the first days after I kicked my alcohol addiction. On Friday I sent an email to my boss, refusing to return the office. I listed my reasons – my performance has improved (according to the company's performance rating system it has, several years with a lower rating, 2 years with a higher rating now), my mental health has improved, I have more free time that I will guard jealously, and overall, I'm happier. I stated that I'm unwilling…

My job finally came out with a “new hybrid work policy.” In the policy they're mandating all corporate workers return to the office three specific days a week. I thought about it for a few days, and the stress of returning to sit in a cubicle to work Excel and Teams meetings is too much to bear for me. I have hardly slept, hardly ate, frankly I haven't felt this bad since the first days after I kicked my alcohol addiction.

On Friday I sent an email to my boss, refusing to return the office. I listed my reasons – my performance has improved (according to the company's performance rating system it has, several years with a lower rating, 2 years with a higher rating now), my mental health has improved, I have more free time that I will guard jealously, and overall, I'm happier. I stated that I'm unwilling to give all of these benefits up to go to the office and sit in a cubicle. Never mind the fact that I work with a worldwide team, and all of the collaboration I do is virtual anyways. I stated I'd continue to perform my duties as I have for more than two years from home.

First response I got back was an obvious copy paste from HR. “Please come in Monday to discuss, blah blah blah.” I stated again, I will not come in, I do not accept the policy. I will continue to perform my duties from home, as I have since early 2020. Next, I got an exasperated email from my manager, this time HR and his manager are on copy, again insisting that I come in. I replied again today, stating that I will not return and that I'll continue my duties at home.

I've reached out to some coworkers who I think feel the same way, and at least one of them said they are also planning to not show up, but I feel like I'm gonna lose my job here. Have already begun a very earnest look for something new – and something remote.

I won't be backing down though, fuck the bosses, power to the workers. Employment is a two-way agreement, and I will not agree to this.

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