
It has begun at my job. It’s mandatory that we go in once per quarter. Starting next month.

I can see what’s happening. Next announcement is going to be “since your so used to working at the office now let’s just move everyone in permanently. No one else seems to care. Managers are all “happy” this is happening. Me, no, not in the slightest. At home I can get my work done in the first 3 hours of the day. I’ve started online college classes and was using the other 5 hours on working on school. SO says he doesn’t understand why people are/get upset about this. Says I’ve known this was going to happen for some time (early 2021). I was just hoping I could find a new job by then but my SO is looking/getting a new job (trust me he needs a new job before me). I also have been going to therapy and got it to the point where I only need to see…

I can see what’s happening. Next announcement is going to be “since your so used to working at the office now let’s just move everyone in permanently. No one else seems to care. Managers are all “happy” this is happening. Me, no, not in the slightest. At home I can get my work done in the first 3 hours of the day. I’ve started online college classes and was using the other 5 hours on working on school.

SO says he doesn’t understand why people are/get upset about this. Says I’ve known this was going to happen for some time (early 2021). I was just hoping I could find a new job by then but my SO is looking/getting a new job (trust me he needs a new job before me).

I also have been going to therapy and got it to the point where I only need to see them once a month. I have already requested an appointment this weekend due to the news. Just typing this up my hands are shaking in anger and on the verge of tears.

A bit of info as well, I have been looking for a WFH job but ones I am finding either need qualifications I do not have or is a hybrid where you work every other week in office or it’s fake and they tell me it’s all in office when their post says WFH. It’s very draining, physically and mentally and it’s a struggle.

I am just venting. If you want to give advice I won’t stop you. If you want to give condolences, go for it. Just have a better day than me.

Edit: it’s one month out of the quarter of going in. I am sorry for the confusion.

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