
It is ALL about WHO you know in America

My sister married a man whose father owned a medium sized company. They were just doing OK for many yrs and then one day they were introduced to a banker with BIG ideas. In the last 5 yrs that bankers has merged 5 other mid sized firms under my brother in law's company. My brother in law now gets cheap equipment from China and he tries to only hire from members of his own church. My sister now lives in the largest house in our entire community. She goes with her kids and husband to Florida and to Italy most of the yr. They pulled their children out of private school because it was teaching “too radical stuff”. They will never work or be out with the general public again. One day the banker with merge them with another bigger company and they will never even have to pretend to…

My sister married a man whose father owned a medium sized company. They were just doing OK for many yrs and then one day they were introduced to a banker with BIG ideas. In the last 5 yrs that bankers has merged 5 other mid sized firms under my brother in law's company. My brother in law now gets cheap equipment from China and he tries to only hire from members of his own church. My sister now lives in the largest house in our entire community. She goes with her kids and husband to Florida and to Italy most of the yr. They pulled their children out of private school because it was teaching “too radical stuff”. They will never work or be out with the general public again. One day the banker with merge them with another bigger company and they will never even have to pretend to worry about work again. In America it is not WHAT you know but WHO you know that counts. My brother in law has a plantation owner mentality and truly believes he is better than all around him and that he deserves all that he has. He hasn't seen a screwdriver or tool in 15 yrs and all the work he does is come off permanent vacation to sit in meetings with the bank. His dad passed away yrs ago and now he credits himself with “growing the business”.

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