
It is not normal to be exhausted all the time

I worked at a job where it was expected to basically never sleep and work 60+ hours a week. Yeah making 30K a year anyone with common sense left, including myself. One of my last interactions with my boss before I lost it and told her I ain't showing up was when she was calling me lazy when I took a SINGLE day off the first time in 6 months due to the sheer exhaustion I felt. She really tried to gaslight me that i was a lazy no good. I thought about it hard: why is is so socially acceptable to constantly be sleep deprived and tried? It is not lazy to want to have a full night's rest and thus a good quality of life. Waking up and actually being cognitively aware of where you are is a human right. People wear this like a badge of honor…

I worked at a job where it was expected to basically never sleep and work 60+ hours a week. Yeah making 30K a year anyone with common sense left, including myself.

One of my last interactions with my boss before I lost it and told her I ain't showing up was when she was calling me lazy when I took a SINGLE day off the first time in 6 months due to the sheer exhaustion I felt.

She really tried to gaslight me that i was a lazy no good. I thought about it hard: why is is so socially acceptable to constantly be sleep deprived and tried? It is not lazy to want to have a full night's rest and thus a good quality of life. Waking up and actually being cognitively aware of where you are is a human right. People wear this like a badge of honor that they've gone months without proper sleep. That's miserable and just going to take you out sooner.

Edit: I've decided if things don't work out for me here and it's this continued stress I'm moving abroad. I love my country but this isn't life and it's a lot to ask someone do live this way for 50 years.

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