
It is tough working in a school district.

I get fed up with certain policies or even being made to feel like I'm screwing everything up. But I don't feel good leaving the kids behind. I am a Dean's secretary, arguably one of the most stressful secretary position at a high school in a lower income area. I've had a student throw a ceramic pot at my head, I've been in 3-4 hard lockdowns, I've been cursed at and threatened, 3 guns and multiple knives that we know of on campus, all of which occurred since my September start date. But what I can't stand is the principal never being satisfied. She was don't tardy lockout every class period, and when I made the initiative to get more printed out, she said no, we have to edit the writing, after the graphic arts lady already printed them. I edit the master to exactly what she said, have them…

I get fed up with certain policies or even being made to feel like I'm screwing everything up.

But I don't feel good leaving the kids behind.

I am a Dean's secretary, arguably one of the most stressful secretary position at a high school in a lower income area.

I've had a student throw a ceramic pot at my head, I've been in 3-4 hard lockdowns, I've been cursed at and threatened, 3 guns and multiple knives that we know of on campus, all of which occurred since my September start date.

But what I can't stand is the principal never being satisfied. She was don't tardy lockout every class period, and when I made the initiative to get more printed out, she said no, we have to edit the writing, after the graphic arts lady already printed them.
I edit the master to exactly what she said, have them made the next day, and still, she wanted something ELSE.

We have 3 campus security monitors for 3,000 students, and they get paid less than I do (starting hourly wage for my position is $14) and they're the ones breaking up the fights, finding the weapons, running around the entire school to attempt to keep the students safe.

I was reprimanded for leaving the Dean's office without an adult, but since we have no female campus security monitors, I was the one who had to escort a student to the bathroom. I DID leave a CSM in the office, but then they called all of them to the cafeteria ASAP, so he took off and the principal walked in right before I did with the student. I told her I did leave the office with a CSM, but all that mattered was that it was my fault that there wasn't an adult in there.

I don't know. I am looking at closer schools since gas prices are going up, and the schools in my area don't have as many student-staff violence.

I would just miss the kids I've gotten to know in the past few months. I'm hoping to go to their graduation, and I'm really rooting for a bunch to beat the odds and get their diplomas.

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