
It looks like the new solution to solve poverty is assisted suicide

There is a few articles on this But in short, because people can't afford housing that meets their medical needs, or just good housing at all. So some are picking assisted suicide. ​ Personally, as someone highly in favor of assisted suicide and wish gov around the world would expand it to allow for any adult for any reason to do it, even if they have to jump through some hoops so they have time to think it over. Like I believe all adults have the right to die, and I think the gov should recognize this legally. A major thing said by supporters is gov and media should stop looking at the action and look at the why. Like a cop locking up someone because they want to off themselves, shoving a hotline in front of someone, calling those who taken their own lives cowards, etc is flat…

There is a few articles on this

But in short, because people can't afford housing that meets their medical needs, or just good housing at all. So some are picking assisted suicide.

Personally, as someone highly in favor of assisted suicide and wish gov around the world would expand it to allow for any adult for any reason to do it, even if they have to jump through some hoops so they have time to think it over. Like I believe all adults have the right to die, and I think the gov should recognize this legally. A major thing said by supporters is gov and media should stop looking at the action and look at the why.

Like a cop locking up someone because they want to off themselves, shoving a hotline in front of someone, calling those who taken their own lives cowards, etc is flat out ignoring what drove a person to legitimately look at it as an option. Sure some of it might be mental health, but anyone who does an ounce of effort in looking into it. The single highest cause of people doing/trying to do it is the exact same for the single biggest cause of devoice and domestic fighting. Lack of money and opportunity.

Solving lack of opportunity, economic stability, lack of good free/cheap medical services. This could solve many of these problems, and has the highest likely of causing people to want to live vs taking their own life. And due to the scope of the problem, and how political people don't care or change their mind over time. This is a major reason why I think we need to have a good tax free UBI. It at least has the highest chance long term to help.

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