
“It makes the company look bad”

I’m a cashier at a store that has credit cards that you can sign up for, and we’re supposed to ask each customer if they’d like to sign up for one, and tell them the perks of the credit card. I hate promoting the cards because in my mind, a credit card is a big responsibility, and most people have enough cards anyway. I tried selling one to a customer, she said no, and I said “Yup no problem, sorry you know how it is, they tell us we gotta promote those cards y’know?” and she was like “Oh I totally get it I’ve worked retail, I know how it is.” After she leaves my manager pulls me aside and says I need to find my own way of promoting the cards and that I can’t say stuff like what I said because it makes the company look bad. …Okay?…

I’m a cashier at a store that has credit cards that you can sign up for, and we’re supposed to ask each customer if they’d like to sign up for one, and tell them the perks of the credit card. I hate promoting the cards because in my mind, a credit card is a big responsibility, and most people have enough cards anyway.
I tried selling one to a customer, she said no, and I said “Yup no problem, sorry you know how it is, they tell us we gotta promote those cards y’know?” and she was like “Oh I totally get it I’ve worked retail, I know how it is.”
After she leaves my manager pulls me aside and says I need to find my own way of promoting the cards and that I can’t say stuff like what I said because it makes the company look bad.
…Okay? As if I actually give a fuck about this company, y’all don’t and could never pay me enough to actually care, I’m just a cashier. Not to mention, what I said was the truth. I have to promote the cards because it’s part of the job description and because the managers told me to, I did not lie or exaggerate, and I used a lighthearted tone when I spoke. If what I said makes the company look bad, that’s their problem, not mine.
On a related note, the manager told me I need to be more assertive with promoting the credit cards to customers and not just simply give up when they say no, even though last time I checked, no means no. Not to mention almost every credit card I’ve signed people up for, it was because a manager came up behind me and harassed the customer until they gave in and signed up for the card. I cringe and feel really uncomfortable when they do that because I’m afraid the customer will get mad from being harassed and take it out on me.
This is just one of the things I hate about this job, it hasn’t even been a month yet but I’m seriously considering getting another job soon.

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