
It only happens to others – now I’m the other.

Hey guys, It finally has happened to me. I gave my notice to quit my job for new opportunities. I worked a desk job in a small company that is always on the verge of collapsing the minute someone had to take a day off. Knowing this, I gave nearly a month's notice, to give them the chance to find a replacement and maybe help in the transition. A week later, today then, I get called in by my boss who tells me that as much as they appreciate me giving them a big notice, but they have to think about their future and unfortunately, this involes me quitting right now. It wasn't a ''get your things in order, say goodbye to coworkers''. It was a ''grab your shit and go. Now. I'm escorting you down.''. I'm not often shaken up by work stuff, but I really didn't see this…

Hey guys,

It finally has happened to me. I gave my notice to quit my job for new opportunities. I worked a desk job in a small company that is always on the verge of collapsing the minute someone had to take a day off. Knowing this, I gave nearly a month's notice, to give them the chance to find a replacement and maybe help in the transition.

A week later, today then, I get called in by my boss who tells me that as much as they appreciate me giving them a big notice, but they have to think about their future and unfortunately, this involes me quitting right now.

It wasn't a ''get your things in order, say goodbye to coworkers''. It was a ''grab your shit and go. Now. I'm escorting you down.''.

I'm not often shaken up by work stuff, but I really didn't see this coming. This kinda sucks.


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