
It seems my (ex) boss forgot he’s not untouchable.

My partner and I have been working at a seasonal job on the pier for the past two years, I absolutely loved this job, from the pay to the co workers; it was great. This year did a complete 180°, the owner started to over work everyone and completely disregard everyone’s schedule. Like I said this was seasonal and most of us had other jobs, we all only came back because the pay was good and we genuinely wanted to help out the owner. Along with that he started to put people in for 50-60hrs a week, on holidays we would be working 13+ hrs and we would never get overtime or time and a half because it’s not required with seasonal work. He also fired the manager of 5 years without warning and told some previous employees that they were welcome to come back but once they quit their…

My partner and I have been working at a seasonal job on the pier for the past two years, I absolutely loved this job, from the pay to the co workers; it was great.

This year did a complete 180°, the owner started to over work everyone and completely disregard everyone’s schedule. Like I said this was seasonal and most of us had other jobs, we all only came back because the pay was good and we genuinely wanted to help out the owner.

Along with that he started to put people in for 50-60hrs a week, on holidays we would be working 13+ hrs and we would never get overtime or time and a half because it’s not required with seasonal work.

He also fired the manager of 5 years without warning and told some previous employees that they were welcome to come back but once they quit their job to come back he informed them that he “didn’t need him anymore” (fun fact: we needed him)

It became extremely toxic way to quick but none of us wanted to leave because the pay was really good. So most just put up with it, some more then others.

I could go on for hours about this place but let’s get on with it.

I quit. I am still in college and he was constantly putting me in for 6 shifts a week. He also was pretty rude to me on numerous occasions and myself and all my coworkers felt like he hated me, so I just couldn’t tolerate it anymore, but my partner still worked there.

Our boss seemed to love my partner but after I left all of the hatred for me ended up getting dumped on my partner. It all boiled to a head yesterday when my partner found out he wasn’t on next weeks schedule.

He took it up with the owner and apparently that was his way of firing someone, the reason? He missed three shifts that he was either told to take off or never was even supposed to work in the first place.

The text exchange was pretty heated and the owner was acting pretty untouchable, he’s not.

My partners best friend is pretty good buddies with the owner of the franchise and I think he would like to know of the way his business is being run.

I also think health and safety would love to hear of the thick grease build up on everything & the fryer that catches on fire.

We are also thinking of contacting the labour board but need to figure out what he’s violated on that end.

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