
iterate my history…

So here's a summary story I sent to ACLU, Michigan I decided I'd share a little with concerning my past and personal life.  In the past I was exposed to so many different things growing up that I made a decision to touch a person younger than me when I was 18. Long story short, I eventually ended up in prison because of this for two and a half years. I learned many things from Michigan Department of Corrections and Catholic Charities concerning the standard operation of how they “deal with” sex offenders. I learned that a lot of people weren't able to overcome their lust and challenges, sometimes this is all some people focus on.  After a while of sex offender therapy I was transformed into your novel example of what a segregated Sex Offender was meant to look like to the community. This “image” of me was solidly…

So here's a summary story I sent to ACLU, Michigan

I decided I'd share a little with concerning my past and personal life. 

In the past I was exposed to so many different things growing up that I made a decision to touch a person younger than me when I was 18. Long story short, I eventually ended up in prison because of this for two and a half years. I learned many things from Michigan Department of Corrections and Catholic Charities concerning the standard operation of how they “deal with” sex offenders. I learned that a lot of people weren't able to overcome their lust and challenges, sometimes this is all some people focus on. 

After a while of sex offender therapy I was transformed into your novel example of what a segregated Sex Offender was meant to look like to the community. This “image” of me was solidly falsified as I had been forced to repeat mantras of reading my “stipulations” out loud such as :

1.) I will not go within 1000 feet of a school zone. 

2.) I will not have social media. 

3.) I will report any changes within 3 days (name, emails, social media, addresses) to the local police precinct. 

4.) I will report 4 times a year, once every 3 months. 

And countless other things… 

What “Corrections” means in MDOC is making sure that somebody has a false sense of guilt embedded into them before they go home from prison. The worse thing to them is a repeat offender.  They just want to make sure that people are trying to make the right choices regarding their own interactions with the public, kids in particular. The public has been a catalyst of legal bodies for a long time. So we traded our securities to organizations who could protect us from touching each other's dicks if we're too young. To find yourself ina situation where you're attracted to a upcoming human being must be truly dubious and exploitable to normal-sexual people who haven't been exposed to pornographic imagery from almost the very beginning of life. For some reason, my sexuality hadn't been celebrated in my youth and I made many decisions against the people around me rather than with them. Quite often, I was the opposite of what my peers were. It was in my nature. 

I never shared my youthful exposure to sexual things while growing up, my confidentiality was the downfall of me when dealing with these legal bodies. I learned by watching others in sex offender therapy that no matter how truthful people were, they were still sitting in prison and a lot of them were there for a long time and wouldn't go home for another eight years. 

I was exposed to many indecent things  which were reflections of my own choices, I never considered myself to be a “child rapist” just some kid who was exposed to a lot of different experiences that I didn't really control who kinda made me who I am today. 

Moving past all of this, skipping ten years past prison, (and within 4 years of present date) I've done so many different things which should free me from my chains of unethical data usage of me. I understand that words and choices are very powerful. I've become more ethical in my way of dealing with others.

I tried to be a chef and got fired for being a sex offender. I tried to be a tow truck driver and the word was too heavy burden for me. I tried to be a semi driver and it was difficult, I did it for about a year and decided that I was being underpaid. The company somehow found a way to exploit my self non-worth. I was so beaten down by my last five years of experience. I even did a security gig in Chicago for a month… (since I registered 4 times a year I just traveled how I wanted per my spite of laws which shouldn't be binding me.) 

While back in Michigan I was able to apply for jobs worth 30-35 dollars an hour while still in Michigan and it was uneffective.

Now within the last year :

Nobody wanted to hire me for my background so I tried to help an old guy for a while. After helping the old guy I got into a bad accident and progressive did their best to prevent me from getting a new vehicle. Organizations have an odd way of using our consumer reports and anything they can Google on us to determine what they want the payout to be. I was left completely without a vehicle and called a lawyer to deal with my compensation for all the things I needed to miss during physical therapy.

This is when I learned lawyers love lies too. The lawyer did his best to try to get me to get an mri so we could get a good payout in court. So while I was struggling in physical therapy and missing out on my summer activities, my doctors wouldn't issue me an mri because they didn't want to. They kept sending interns to examine me, and the interns said things like “when you sit for a long time, you'll be naturally in pain” even though before the accident I had been extremely fit. So the doctors decided I wasn't worth an mri. 


I was ina second accident because I was forced to ride my bike to and from physical therapy since Progressive wouldn't accept my pleas for a ride to and from therapy. The insurance company kept ghosting me. 

When I was hit on my bike(second accident) , I was fortunate that only the front tire of my bike was hit. While the guy was staring at me I cripple walked over to the back of the guys car and took a quick picture of the license plate. I told my lawyer about this incident and he said don't tell anybody or the first accident person's insurance provider will be able to fight my claims in court. Anyway, the second guy ended up not having coverage anyway, and didn't show up for his hit and run in court. 

During this all, I continued my physical therapy sessions(eventually finally leaving since I could then do the stretches and deeper stretches at home. My physical therapist didn't like when I stretched so hard that I'd scream… No pain no gain..) 

Also, continued the Data Analyst bootcamp I had enrolled in. I kept trying to secure an mri but my doctors just wouldn't and I didn't try severely for the weakest route, I just kept stretching each day the way my physical therapist showed me. My lawyer abandoned me because his greedy self didn't care about the low payout offered by just receiving physical therapy. So after two accidents, all I did was lose more from people I reached out to. 

However, I majorly boosted my skillset with the data analyst bootcamp and even got hired by a big energy broker. This job would've yielded me over 100k a year and I was a good fit for it. I wasn't even thinking about my background now, I felt so good that my hard work over the last four months was paying off. Next thing you know, I get a call from my HR chick and she described that the energy company didn't want me to be a representative. I objected, saying that everything that happened was so long ago. And this is where I am now. Waiting for Monday which would've been the first big day of the rest of my life in my amazing new job… And still being hindered by the sex Offender registry ten years later…

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