
It’s alarming how empty my bank is when all I buy are necessities

I just quit my job because the management was extremely abusive and exploited me all the time and it was destroying my mental and physical health. Every shift would leave me broken and staying up all night trying to decompress. I couldn't stay any longer I would've had a stroke or kms if I had to go back there and work again. Fuck that place. I'm in the process of applying and interviewing for new, better paying roles but god damn is money tight. Tomorrow I have to give everything in my bank to my landlord. Was actually rummaging through drawers for bills and change because I didn't have quite enough while I wait for my final compensation coming next week. It's not even paycheck to paycheck anymore I'm trying to figure out what bill I'm not gonna pay or my bank account is gonna overdraft.

I just quit my job because the management was extremely abusive and exploited me all the time and it was destroying my mental and physical health. Every shift would leave me broken and staying up all night trying to decompress. I couldn't stay any longer I would've had a stroke or kms if I had to go back there and work again. Fuck that place. I'm in the process of applying and interviewing for new, better paying roles but god damn is money tight. Tomorrow I have to give everything in my bank to my landlord. Was actually rummaging through drawers for bills and change because I didn't have quite enough while I wait for my final compensation coming next week. It's not even paycheck to paycheck anymore I'm trying to figure out what bill I'm not gonna pay or my bank account is gonna overdraft.

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