I worked for a retail branch at Wells Fargo for a total of seven years of my life. Part of that was during their abusive sales goals. I left shortly before they got in trouble over it, and silly me thought that they changed enough to be better so I went back.
The list of bullshit I tolerated from this company just so I could afford health insurance and pay my bills is insane. Though tolerate it I did. Once Covid started things escalated. They laid off so many employees, closed so many branches, and eliminated so many departments. This created a toxic culture of trying to operate stores with the least amount of staff possible and constantly being short staffed. Along with adding to issues with customers who, lets face it, have only gotten worse and worse towards employees.
I could go on an on but unfortunately the issues there are really no different then at most companies. It's so shitty how this is the norm. How day after day employees just get to suffer through mistreatment just to try and survive. I stayed an extra six months once I decided to leave because I couldn't afford not to. Though on the bright side that six months led to me starting a passion project by making a tribute song for Wells Fargo to remember me by lol. I'll see if I can share it in the comments if anyone wants to check it out.
But I just want to say that we all deserve better, and we deserve to be treated like the human beings that we are. Also fuck you Chop Chop Charlie (Wells Fargo's CEO)