
It’s Cheaper…

So I’ve had one of those weeks where I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night 3 times because I’m so afraid I can’t pay my bills, typical. So I’m lying in bed doing math against my will to try and calm myself down when I realize it’s cheaper to go buy a gun and shoot everyone I’ve ever met than it is to pay my bills for one month. It’s literally less expensive to go on a killing spree than it is to survive one month. Oh, I live in America.

So I’ve had one of those weeks where I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night 3 times because I’m so afraid I can’t pay my bills, typical. So I’m lying in bed doing math against my will to try and calm myself down when I realize it’s cheaper to go buy a gun and shoot everyone I’ve ever met than it is to pay my bills for one month.
It’s literally less expensive to go on a killing spree than it is to survive one month.

Oh, I live in America.

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