
It’s currently November 11. My wife just had another interview round with a company she’s been interviewing with since JULY

That's almost 4 months and what feels like her 20th interview. Sometimes she meets with the same person more than once. And she still has more people to interview with. I'm assuming at this point the hiring process will be like Survivor, where the job will be awarded to the last person who doesn't ghost them or tell them to fuck off. What these companies probably don't realize is that by doing this you're losing a huge pool of talent by having 5+ rounds of interviews over multiple months (And God forbid, a skill assessment or test project!). Candidates with options aren't going to wait 4 months for you to make up your minds. Likewise, if someone is really talented in their field then they're sure to be snatched up quickly. You ever see someone suck at their job and you wonder how the hell they got there? I'm not…

That's almost 4 months and what feels like her 20th interview. Sometimes she meets with the same person more than once. And she still has more people to interview with.

I'm assuming at this point the hiring process will be like Survivor, where the job will be awarded to the last person who doesn't ghost them or tell them to fuck off.

What these companies probably don't realize is that by doing this you're losing a huge pool of talent by having 5+ rounds of interviews over multiple months (And God forbid, a skill assessment or test project!). Candidates with options aren't going to wait 4 months for you to make up your minds. Likewise, if someone is really talented in their field then they're sure to be snatched up quickly.

You ever see someone suck at their job and you wonder how the hell they got there? I'm not putting down my wife's skills, but even she says the highest qualified candidates are probably long gone, and it's just her competing with the desperate leftovers.

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