
It’s discouraging to have a new job and a shitty boss

I'm about 6 months into my new job. I've done inside sales, but never outside. This company reached out to me and asked if I wanted to be an outside rep for them. I told them I have sales experience, but not outside sales. They tell me they'll help me along the way and I realize now that was a lie. The owner of the company is pretty fair. He wants to help but sometimes gets too involved, which can be good or bad. My direct boss is a very negative person and has a terrible attitude. He's never supportive, doesn't listen and is just rude. I'm learning this job and everything about this company on my own and it's so frustrating. Its like im learning by trial by fire all on my own. My boss never wants to teach me anything until I mess something up, then he's at…

I'm about 6 months into my new job. I've done inside sales, but never outside. This company reached out to me and asked if I wanted to be an outside rep for them. I told them I have sales experience, but not outside sales. They tell me they'll help me along the way and I realize now that was a lie. The owner of the company is pretty fair. He wants to help but sometimes gets too involved, which can be good or bad. My direct boss is a very negative person and has a terrible attitude. He's never supportive, doesn't listen and is just rude. I'm learning this job and everything about this company on my own and it's so frustrating. Its like im learning by trial by fire all on my own. My boss never wants to teach me anything until I mess something up, then he's at the front of the line to tell me how I fucked up. Im pulling in double the revenue than what they anticipated and I don't hear a fucking peep out of this man. I'm trying to do everything the right way in every situation, but fuck me if I hit a small hiccup along the way. It's a job where I'm actually making good money but I'm fairly unhappy. I'm sure others have dealt with this and I'm looking to see how others have adapted to this kind of work life.

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