
“It’s not as bad as it used to be,” manager on my COVID 19 symptoms. What is wrong with people?

Yesterday, I woke up & felt feverish, with a headache, and with a lot more fatigue than I usually have. Went to work anyway, hoping I might improve, but my symptoms didn’t. Even in the strong AC I felt I was burning up. I told my boss I wasn’t feeling well, and I was concerned I might have COVID or some other viral infection. My boss barely listened, and went to take a call in the middle of me speaking to him. Btw my work involves lots of older people, so this isn’t merely about me. After work I went to get tested- and tested positive. I texted my boss I’d have to quarantine, according to my doctor. He hasn’t even replied. I’ve long since stopped expecting empathy or concern from managers, but it’s unbelievably messed up me & my wife must worry about my job security on account of…

Yesterday, I woke up & felt feverish, with a headache, and with a lot more fatigue than I usually have. Went to work anyway, hoping I might improve, but my symptoms didn’t. Even in the strong AC I felt I was burning up.

I told my boss I wasn’t feeling well, and I was concerned I might have COVID or some other viral infection. My boss barely listened, and went to take a call in the middle of me speaking to him.

Btw my work involves lots of older people, so this isn’t merely about me.

After work I went to get tested- and tested positive. I texted my boss I’d have to quarantine, according to my doctor. He hasn’t even replied.

I’ve long since stopped expecting empathy or concern from managers, but it’s unbelievably messed up me & my wife must worry about my job security on account of my illness.

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