
it’s not immoral to punch out the second your shift is done. fuck everyone else.

rant incoming but jesus fuck, who fucking gives a shit if you have something to do, fucking leave. i don't care if it's harder on other coworkers, i don't care if it makes employers mad at me, i don't care if it's bad for clients or customers, i don't care if it harms the business. you told me to stay from some time to another time. overtime isn't fucking worth it. stand up for yourself and go home when you agreed to. if it's such a problem with employers then they should fucking hire more workers and incentivize current ones by paying them better to begin with. having work invade what's supposed to be personal time is the dumbest fucking thing i've ever heard of. FUCK YOU and your “you have to stay until the work is done” bullshit. this has ruined my relationships and my ability to fucking relax.…

rant incoming but jesus fuck, who fucking gives a shit if you have something to do, fucking leave. i don't care if it's harder on other coworkers, i don't care if it makes employers mad at me, i don't care if it's bad for clients or customers, i don't care if it harms the business. you told me to stay from some time to another time. overtime isn't fucking worth it. stand up for yourself and go home when you agreed to. if it's such a problem with employers then they should fucking hire more workers and incentivize current ones by paying them better to begin with. having work invade what's supposed to be personal time is the dumbest fucking thing i've ever heard of. FUCK YOU and your “you have to stay until the work is done” bullshit. this has ruined my relationships and my ability to fucking relax. no one in the world is paid enough to give a shit beyond when a shift ends.

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