
It’s not really work that is the problem

Imagine you go to work with people you enjoy spending time with. Working for 6 hours a day, without any kind of psychotic idiot bossing you around. Knowing you do something you find meaningful. Being paid a good wage that allows you to support your family. You save money to support your childrens education and help them in life when they grow up. Now look at the dystopia we have today. People are insane and evil, if you give them any kind of power in a work setting they go berserk. You are paid shit, your wife has to work (maybe she gets abused in work), you both are to exhausted to raise children properly. Society doesn't value your work, in fact it shames you for not being a useless corporate Npc dressed in a suit participating in the rat race. You have to do the same boring task for…

Imagine you go to work with people you enjoy spending time with. Working for 6 hours a day, without any kind of psychotic idiot bossing you around. Knowing you do something you find meaningful. Being paid a good wage that allows you to support your family. You save money to support your childrens education and help them in life when they grow up.

Now look at the dystopia we have today. People are insane and evil, if you give them any kind of power in a work setting they go berserk. You are paid shit, your wife has to work (maybe she gets abused in work), you both are to exhausted to raise children properly. Society doesn't value your work, in fact it shames you for not being a useless corporate Npc dressed in a suit participating in the rat race.
You have to do the same boring task for 8-5 just to pay rent or debt on your home. You are unable to save a meaningful amount, if something goes wrong well..

It's the people, and the system which is made by people that is rotten, and not just the view at the top. It's the evil which immensely corrupts so many.
Hope you stay well during these awful times,
God bless, be strong.

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