
It’s obvious I’m ready to leave because firm is just making bad decisions and suddenly I need to be social media monitored.

I’m in financials, so social media monitoring isn’t anything unusual. But after months of not needing to be monitored, I suddenly need to be under the eye of the almighty Smarsh because I’m too active on LinkedIn. It could be just the industry’s usual bean counting explanation of making sure I’m following SEC regulations – but if they have any brains, they probably also hope (accurately) to gather intel on where I may go and when. I’m having a hell of a time finding info on this Smarsh program. I know some of their competitors claim to only record messages and posts. Anyone know anything on exactly what it picks up? I’m almost in DGAF territory where I’d just apply anyways but I’m not quite all the way there yet.

I’m in financials, so social media monitoring isn’t anything unusual. But after months of not needing to be monitored, I suddenly need to be under the eye of the almighty Smarsh because I’m too active on LinkedIn. It could be just the industry’s usual bean counting explanation of making sure I’m following SEC regulations – but if they have any brains, they probably also hope (accurately) to gather intel on where I may go and when.

I’m having a hell of a time finding info on this Smarsh program. I know some of their competitors claim to only record messages and posts. Anyone know anything on exactly what it picks up? I’m almost in DGAF territory where I’d just apply anyways but I’m not quite all the way there yet.

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