
It’s OKAY to like unions!

…is what I say to many of the boomers at my job. To set the scene: I work at a place that usually only schedules 3-4 hour shifts a few days a week. That said, the managers typically employ a lot of retirees and people with other full-time jobs. A large majority of the retirees are people that used to be in a union – think electricians, plumbers, teachers, etc. The following conversations happen somewhat regularly, and they're all pretty much the same. This is one I had with one of the retired plumbers when he randomly brought up his old union. Coworker: “Yeah, it was a pretty good gig. The kids these days have it good. They could easily have a million dollars by the time they retire because of the retirement plan.” Me: “Oh, so you liked the union?” Coworker: “It helped out a lot and let us…

…is what I say to many of the boomers at my job.

To set the scene: I work at a place that usually only schedules 3-4 hour shifts a few days a week. That said, the managers typically employ a lot of retirees and people with other full-time jobs.

A large majority of the retirees are people that used to be in a union – think electricians, plumbers, teachers, etc.

The following conversations happen somewhat regularly, and they're all pretty much the same. This is one I had with one of the retired plumbers when he randomly brought up his old union.

“Yeah, it was a pretty good gig. The kids these days have it good. They could easily have a million dollars by the time they retire because of the retirement plan.”

“Oh, so you liked the union?”

“It helped out a lot and let us make more money than if we didn't have one. (Starting to stammer and speak quickly) But don't get me wrong, I still don't agree with unions! They do more harm than good and we shouldn't be pushing for them!”

Repeat this for the old teacher, the old electrician, and for the 68 year old guy who is currently working 3 part-time jobs.

I've heard all of them, at one point or another, praise their old union while immediately bashing organized labor right after.

It's the typical boomer mentality of “it's only good if it benefits me.”

It's a crazy coping strategy they use, like they're reminding themselves, “Oh wait! I'm a Republican! I'm supposed to hate unions!”

Listen, it's okay to like unions! They are there to help you!

Just because you align more with a different party doesn't mean you can't have your own preferences!

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