
It’s only been 3 weeks and I’m over my internship

I'm a sophomore undergraduate doing an internship for this company and long story short I already hate it. I like the work I'm doing but I hate my boss so much. I've redone the same assignment 2x times and he doesn't tell me what he wants. Basically, he gave me a very vague assignment and asked me to complete it. I did and he wanted me to re-do it and gave me some specifics on what he wanted. I redid it and then he said that I “had no inspiring ideas” and that I basically didn't try in redoing the assignment. I asked him if he was looking for something specific and he said he was already specific with what he wanted (which he obviously is not!!). Now I have to re-do this for the 3rd time and start from scratch. The thought of redoing literally drains the fcking life…

I'm a sophomore undergraduate doing an internship for this company and long story short I already hate it. I like the work I'm doing but I hate my boss so much. I've redone the same assignment 2x times and he doesn't tell me what he wants.

Basically, he gave me a very vague assignment and asked me to complete it. I did and he wanted me to re-do it and gave me some specifics on what he wanted. I redid it and then he said that I “had no inspiring ideas” and that I basically didn't try in redoing the assignment. I asked him if he was looking for something specific and he said he was already specific with what he wanted (which he obviously is not!!). Now I have to re-do this for the 3rd time and start from scratch. The thought of redoing literally drains the fcking life out of me.

I don't want to be a quitter but this feels so draining already. But maybe I'll just stick it out cause I only have 6 weeks left of this internship. Also, this internship is unpaid so I feel like I'm doing a bunch of free labor.

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