
It’s rude and disgusting to allow employees to sit at their desk all day sick, coughing, sneezing, and blowing their snot all over everyone around them. Companies should be required to mitigate this issue.

*This is not related to recent events. It's been rude and disgusting since I started office work 20 years ago. With so many positions moving to work from home, companies can offer work from home options in the case of illness, or use extra space to create office areas that are segregated from the rest of the population. Both options save the company from being down on staff due to illness or needless spread of illness, saves the sick employee from losing income, and saves staff from enduring the thoughtless behavior of their rude coworkers who think it's fine to spray everyone with their illness all day. And no, the solution is not me working from home instead. I like working in an office and socializing a few days a week. Even if I'm not present, others are still having to endure this behavior, so it's still wrong.

*This is not related to recent events. It's been rude and disgusting since I started office work 20 years ago.

With so many positions moving to work from home, companies can offer work from home options in the case of illness, or use extra space to create office areas that are segregated from the rest of the population. Both options save the company from being down on staff due to illness or needless spread of illness, saves the sick employee from losing income, and saves staff from enduring the thoughtless behavior of their rude coworkers who think it's fine to spray everyone with their illness all day.

And no, the solution is not me working from home instead. I like working in an office and socializing a few days a week. Even if I'm not present, others are still having to endure this behavior, so it's still wrong.

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