
“It’s too early!”

I drive a truck. I get up at 2 am and I get to work by 3:15 am five days a week and then drive two to four hours to deliver construction materials to job sites. It's 5:45 am and I call my job contact. Ten minutes later he calls back complaining that, “It's too early” to call someone on the phone. Apparently he doesn't actually work construction and he's just the guy who buys the stuff. Somehow his name and number ended up on my bills. He asked if anyone was even there and I said yes, because there were workers arriving. Then he says he will text me the number of the right contact. I say great, I'll give him a call. But then he admits that guy drives an hour and a half to get to the job site. I say that's great then he's already up.…

I drive a truck. I get up at 2 am and I get to work by 3:15 am five days a week and then drive two to four hours to deliver construction materials to job sites.

It's 5:45 am and I call my job contact. Ten minutes later he calls back complaining that, “It's too early” to call someone on the phone.

Apparently he doesn't actually work construction and he's just the guy who buys the stuff. Somehow his name and number ended up on my bills.

He asked if anyone was even there and I said yes, because there were workers arriving.

Then he says he will text me the number of the right contact. I say great, I'll give him a call.

But then he admits that guy drives an hour and a half to get to the job site. I say that's great then he's already up.

He says he probably won't answer, because he can't imagine that anyone would wake up at this hour. But imagine it's 6 am and you finally wake up and get ready for work and drive an hour and a half so you can start doing construction between 8 and 9 during the summer and then work 8 hours or more in the hottest hours.

This guy literally has no clue that people get up early in the morning to get the world moving. He even KNOWS that the contact drives an hour and a half but still has no concept that he has to get up early to do that in order to get stuff done during the cool hours of the day.

Edit: just got his text. He just said I would have to wait until seven. He didn't send a contact number.

Fine with me. I'm paid by the hour. Excuse me now while I take a little nap (on the clock of course).

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