
I’ve applied for over 200 jobs and have been rejected from every single one of them.

To give context: I (26F) am an art director at an agency who treats me like an intern with intern wages. For a year now, I’ve been applying for jobs and repeatedly rejected. I want to leave my current job but with no avail, rejected. I’ve even gotten to the very end of an interview process of 3 months, 5, interviews and 2 tests with the hiring lead saying they loved me but I was “too creative for this position”. I’m feeling so defeated and so broke I have to move back in with my family because I can barely afford to survive. This process has destroyed me and I don’t even know where to turn. I’ve even applied for jobs that I’m overqualified for to not even make it past the phone screening. What do I do now?

To give context: I (26F) am an art director at an agency who treats me like an intern with intern wages. For a year now, I’ve been applying for jobs and repeatedly rejected. I want to leave my current job but with no avail, rejected.

I’ve even gotten to the very end of an interview process of 3 months, 5, interviews and 2 tests with the hiring lead saying they loved me but I was “too creative for this position”. I’m feeling so defeated and so broke I have to move back in with my family because I can barely afford to survive.

This process has destroyed me and I don’t even know where to turn. I’ve even applied for jobs that I’m overqualified for to not even make it past the phone screening. What do I do now?

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