
I’ve become the cynical protector for my young people at work.

I work at a restaurant where us servers make really good money. We make more than management outside out General Manager. I have worked in a full time career and have been burned and I'm a bit jaded now to being over worked or used by some boss with an ego problem. So at work, I'm the guy that has been telling all the younger employees and our new ones how not to be abused. Our young staff (16 – 20) are being over worked a lot and paid ass cheeks. One of them (18M) is about to go the med school and become a doctor. They bring their books to work so they can study because when they ask not to be scheduled 38 hours our boss gives them shit or begs and tells them “just this one time.” So one day our man came in with his books…

I work at a restaurant where us servers make really good money. We make more than management outside out General Manager. I have worked in a full time career and have been burned and I'm a bit jaded now to being over worked or used by some boss with an ego problem. So at work, I'm the guy that has been telling all the younger employees and our new ones how not to be abused.

Our young staff (16 – 20) are being over worked a lot and paid ass cheeks. One of them (18M) is about to go the med school and become a doctor. They bring their books to work so they can study because when they ask not to be scheduled 38 hours our boss gives them shit or begs and tells them “just this one time.” So one day our man came in with his books pissed off, and I asked what's up?

“I told them I can work this day anymore because I have to study and there hours are affecting my school work. They said they wouldn't schedule me this way again, but then here I am. After numerous times “

I just smiled and said

“Jacob, next time… Don't come in. They agreed. You told them. You are doing bigger better things with your life. And most importantly… He's paying you $9/hr, you can get that anywhere. You're already getting paid the minimum, give them the minimum. You will survive and THRIVE without them. Don't let them use you “

He told me he was afraid that they'd fire him, or he wasn't being a good employee. And I just said “And he's not being a good employer. You don't want to work here anyways. Come to work, make your money. GO HOME. And work on your better things. You're too smart and have too much going on to be giving your time to someone who doesn't care about you.”

Jacob stopped showing up outside his availability when he was scheduled. He still has job, he comes to work smiling and NO BOOKS. He's happier and has thanked me for helping him realize this is just a part time job, and him becoming a doctor is more important.

I also like to remind all the servers that when boss man is coming down hard yelling at us to do more and to sell more. And telling us how to wait on our own tables. I tell each and every single one. “This man, does NOT pay you a fucking dime. He has no right to tell you how to handle your tables. You get paid $2.13/hour and you receive $0.00 of it. You are make your own tips which 4% is taken out to support the bussers and bartenders. YOU are making all your money yourself. Each table is your own private client. He is literally using us to sell his product, giving us literally LITERALLY none of the profits. No insurance. No benefits at all. You sell his product, and you can keep whatever else the table leaves you. He is literally giving you nothing but a place to be your own salesman/woman. So make your money how you will, nod your head, say yes sir, and then go back to doing what you do best for you and your family. He is giving you nothing and he won't hesitate to replace us anyways .”

Maybe I'm cynical, maybe I'm just burnt out. But a lot of young people feel like they have to give someone who gives them nothing everything. If you're getting paid less than $12/hour, you can make that again anywhere. Walk out if you need to. Those jobs aren't hard to find because it's CEOs paying you their pennies. Your job is just a job. Don't pay them with your life or loyalty unless they will do the same. And honestly… They won't.

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