
I’ve been contemplating this for a while. Is it more expensive to work now?

It's seems like with the rising cost of fuel, basic necessities, food and other stuff we need to sustain ourselves. Tag with record breaking sky high inflation which weirdly never gets calculated into our pay. (Say you make 15/hr how much is your actual take home pay with taxes and the effects of inflation around what 8 buck per hour? Just a guess). The cheaper alternative would be to not work at this point. And to life off the land. I've been scratching my head about this lately. Thoughts?

It's seems like with the rising cost of fuel, basic necessities, food and other stuff we need to sustain ourselves. Tag with record breaking sky high inflation which weirdly never gets calculated into our pay. (Say you make 15/hr how much is your actual take home pay with taxes and the effects of inflation around what 8 buck per hour? Just a guess). The cheaper alternative would be to not work at this point. And to life off the land.
I've been scratching my head about this lately. Thoughts?

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