
I’ve been unemployed for a month with 40+ rejection letters and my husband is about to be fired

I just really don't know what to do. At every turn we're told no one wants to work. The working class is taking back power and refusing to work for the worst or jumping ship for the better. It should be “easy” to get a job then…hold a job… but no… I'm rejected from bare minimum entry levels positions with Vons, YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, Lows, Pete's Coffee, etc as well middle level positions (all under $50k which won't support my family in our high cost of living area but I easily have the work experience and references to be a strong candidate for) thrown my application at $50k+ positions that have have transferable skills in and would take to training well, but of course all have come back as no. My husband landed a job in a area he has strong experience, entered a sinking ship and was…

I just really don't know what to do. At every turn we're told no one wants to work. The working class is taking back power and refusing to work for the worst or jumping ship for the better. It should be “easy” to get a job then…hold a job… but no… I'm rejected from bare minimum entry levels positions with Vons, YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, Lows, Pete's Coffee, etc as well middle level positions (all under $50k which won't support my family in our high cost of living area but I easily have the work experience and references to be a strong candidate for) thrown my application at $50k+ positions that have have transferable skills in and would take to training well, but of course all have come back as no. My husband landed a job in a area he has strong experience, entered a sinking ship and was turned into the scapegoat 2 months in. He's been written up for “insubordination” for things that the company is falsifying in order to push him through the firing processes (which this state somewhat protects employees and makes it harder for employers to fire without cause.)

We're about to be two unemployed parents with a two year old… when we are doing everything in our power to just keep our heads down and make a stupid paycheck…

What is going to happen…?

Edit** husband just discovered they posted a job opening for his position. So yeah, they're going to fire him

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