They have officially widdled us down to nothing. A financially stable single parent home no longer exist. Not without sacrificing your time. The vast majority hasn’t been able to afford living on their own in years. They give us the classic triangle and tell us to pick two.
Time, money, freedom.
Yet no one has a choice but to pick money. Because how will you get freedom? How will you spend your time in a meaningful way? This keeps us from having any meaningful protest that has helped us here in America in the past. A protest is here and gone again in 12-24 hours. It’s nothing but a minor inconvenience to them. They’ll gladly wait it out over and over again. The only thing that would truly put a thorn in their side is if we all stopped working. But there’s just no way. I’ll lose my home, my animals, my relationships, food, all of it. Along with many, many others. I feel lost. I feel broken. I feel useless that no matter how bad I want to protest in the streets so my girlfriend can keep her rights, I can’t. Not unless the rest of the world did it with me. In today’s world it would still screw us all over financially. But that would screw all the landlords and so on. Until it actually hurt the people in power. It would take weeks, months, maybe even years. At this point we have no choice but to collapse society as we know it, and work our way back up together. I just don’t see it happening. Guess I’ll get back to work.
EDIT: okay, so “government” was the wrong term to use here. My bad. Y’all can just use your best judgement to determine whom is to blame.