
I’ve completely checked out at my job.

The company I work for has gone to absolute shit. They cut everyone’s commissions and bonuses in the past 2 months. The company is down 90% since Jan 1. Management totally restructured and many top performers have left the organization and the culture is horrible now. I am there for one reason, insurance and a check until I find something else. I’ve interviewed for 16 different roles in the past 2 months when all this change started. I turned down 3 now and the others didn’t select me. I’m pretty deep with a company that I think is a good fit and after next week I’ll have an answer. I’m banking on getting it, which probably isn’t the best strategy but here I am. I figure I’ll never see another bonus or commission check so why even try? I was well over 100% to goal every month until the beginning…

The company I work for has gone to absolute shit. They cut everyone’s commissions and bonuses in the past 2 months. The company is down 90% since Jan 1. Management totally restructured and many top performers have left the organization and the culture is horrible now. I am there for one reason, insurance and a check until I find something else.

I’ve interviewed for 16 different roles in the past 2 months when all this change started. I turned down 3 now and the others didn’t select me.

I’m pretty deep with a company that I think is a good fit and after next week I’ll have an answer. I’m banking on getting it, which probably isn’t the best strategy but here I am.

I figure I’ll never see another bonus or commission check so why even try? I was well over 100% to goal every month until the beginning of this month. I hate feeling so miserable and stuck. I wish I could just quit and wait for the next but I know it can be taboo and I don’t want to put myself to be so dependent on getting this one I’m deep in the process of.

I’m sure many others are currently in a similar spot or have been through it. Just looking for some words of wisdom I suppose.

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