
I’ve decided to Behave My Wage .

My Organization has a line in all the salaried employment agreements; “…and other duties as assigned”. They put more responsibilities , therefore more work, on our roles as time goes by, then act like all the old stuff should still get done in addition to the new stuff. Nope. Quiet Quitting is alliterative, but not accurate. I've not quit… I'm still working. What I am NOT doing is changing my workrate, my level of effort… my behavior…because they've discovered a new need that aligns with my skill set. If the output requirements of the role change, the compensation should, too. Less work? Less pay makes sense. More work? Well, then more pay is in order. So, whether we call it 'Acting My Wage' or 'Behaving My Wage', I'm going to do the job that was agreed upon for the pay agreed upon. They may think the role changes or matures,…

My Organization has a line in all the salaried employment agreements; “…and other duties as assigned”. They put more responsibilities , therefore more work, on our roles as time goes by, then act like all the old stuff should still get done in addition to the new stuff. Nope.

Quiet Quitting is alliterative, but not accurate. I've not quit… I'm still working.
What I am NOT doing is changing my workrate, my level of effort… my behavior…because they've discovered a new need that aligns with my skill set. If the output requirements of the role change, the compensation should, too. Less work? Less pay makes sense. More work? Well, then more pay is in order.

So, whether we call it 'Acting My Wage' or 'Behaving My Wage', I'm going to do the job that was agreed upon for the pay agreed upon. They may think the role changes or matures, but until the agreement changes, my behavior will not. Just call me Paulie from Goodfellas, “Fuck you. Pay me.”

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