
Ive had fainting episodes this last week and my employers are MAD at me.

TLDR at bottom. Basically what the title says. I have a really bad ED which causes complications with my health. I’ve had to call off two days the last week due to fainting or feeling close to fainting. I even thought at a point it could be seizures (I’ve went to the doc and the ER and everything is okay so don’t worry!) Anyways, my employers seem bitter and angry at me. This is all out of my control and I have doctors notes, test results and hell I could even send a voice message I left my mom before I fainted, but I feel they STILL don’t believe me and are just pissed. I’m a personal trainer and they are managers who are supposed to get me coverage if I’m ill. Yes I have more complications than the average joe but how was I supposed to know I’d have…

TLDR at bottom.
Basically what the title says. I have a really bad ED which causes complications with my health. I’ve had to call off two days the last week due to fainting or feeling close to fainting. I even thought at a point it could be seizures (I’ve went to the doc and the ER and everything is okay so don’t worry!)
Anyways, my employers seem bitter and angry at me. This is all out of my control and I have doctors notes, test results and hell I could even send a voice message I left my mom before I fainted, but I feel they STILL don’t believe me and are just pissed.
I’m a personal trainer and they are managers who are supposed to get me coverage if I’m ill. Yes I have more complications than the average joe but how was I supposed to know I’d have this illness that is taking over the health of my body? I’m getting all the help I can get, do they think I want to be fainting? I’m always terrified.
Is this normal? Am I in the wrong? Because my employers are really making me feel that way. They make me feel as though I should’ve fainted, recovered and walked my ass to work and coached four training sessions like nothing happened. Idk I personally feel that that’s not okay. And now I’m worried I’ll be fired even though this is my only source of income.

TLDR; had a few fainting episodes, employers seem angry at me for calling off. Worried I’m going to be fired for their lack of being able to find coverage.

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