
I’ve had some pretty messed up jobs but I gotta say

A lot of the posts I see here just take the cake. Like. Wow. I am impressed by the sheer ineptitude and heartlessness of some of your managers. I'm both really sorry you have to deal with that and also proud of the sheer number of you who take it well, step up and move on to something else better. I first joined this sub to learn how NOT to be a manager and holy fking shit… I just learned being a civil and understanding human being is all it takes. it's so much easier to be a decent human being with a modicum of sympathy than the level of terrible I see here. I hope everyone with a shitty story like the ones I've seen find employment with someone else who treats their workers like human beings.

A lot of the posts I see here just take the cake. Like. Wow. I am impressed by the sheer ineptitude and heartlessness of some of your managers. I'm both really sorry you have to deal with that and also proud of the sheer number of you who take it well, step up and move on to something else better.

I first joined this sub to learn how NOT to be a manager and holy fking shit… I just learned being a civil and understanding human being is all it takes. it's so much easier to be a decent human being with a modicum of sympathy than the level of terrible I see here. I hope everyone with a shitty story like the ones I've seen find employment with someone else who treats their workers like human beings.

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