
I’ve only been back in the work force for a week and I’m already over it.

I’ve been trying to be positive but fuck I can’t. There isn’t anything positive about working in the US. It’s so annoying when family asks oh how’s work? You liking it? I feel like I need to lie bc no I don’t. I’d rather be at home enjoying my fucking life instead of slaving away for a multi-billion dollar company who can’t even get my first paycheck to me on time. If I don’t have that shit in my possession by my next payday rest assured I’ll be making a call to the labor department. I just hate everything about it. I was out of work for 3 months and the only reason I was fucking depressed was bc I couldn’t afford shit on my own so I had to ask my mom for help and it made me feel like a burden. Other than that I throughly enjoyed my…

I’ve been trying to be positive but fuck I can’t. There isn’t anything positive about working in the US. It’s so annoying when family asks oh how’s work? You liking it? I feel like I need to lie bc no I don’t. I’d rather be at home enjoying my fucking life instead of slaving away for a multi-billion dollar company who can’t even get my first paycheck to me on time. If I don’t have that shit in my possession by my next payday rest assured I’ll be making a call to the labor department. I just hate everything about it. I was out of work for 3 months and the only reason I was fucking depressed was bc I couldn’t afford shit on my own so I had to ask my mom for help and it made me feel like a burden. Other than that I throughly enjoyed my time and despite the feeling of being a failure it was still better than actually working. And especially w everything else shitty with the world but specifically the US right now idk why tf I’m even doing this. Like why tf does anyone even listen to all these stupid fucking rules that only apply for us regular ass people. I can have my check delayed but can’t stop working until I have my fucking money bc “that’s not how it works”. Tf ok? If we’re just gonna throw words around how about you’ll get the work that reflects this treatment and disrespect until I have my FUCKING MONEY. And if you’re gonna mail me my check be sure it’s in by the date you fucking tell me?? It’s so fucking simple really but we’re told a bunch of bullshit as to why it isn’t simple. Thanks for letting me rant I feel better or more like I can move on and enjoy my day off. Going to play animal crossing and forget about it til Monday bc fuck entertaining work related things on your personal fucking time tbh

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