
I’ve only had 2 interviews and I already had enough.

Specifically with the question: “So what did you do during this gap?” I told both of them that I spent it updating my resume and applying for jobs, they both seemed to expect more. Myself and my entire team walked off the job a week ago. A WEEK. Not a month, not a year, not a decade, A WEEK. Hell in the case of the interview I just got out of it had only been 2 days from when I left until they saw my resume and we set up an interview. In other words 6 of the 8 days that I have been unemployed I was waiting on them to be ready to interview me. I get it if someone has been out of work for 6+ months, and I get being less than enthused with their answer if they said they spent 6 months picking their nose. However…

Specifically with the question: “So what did you do during this gap?” I told both of them that I spent it updating my resume and applying for jobs, they both seemed to expect more.

Myself and my entire team walked off the job a week ago. A WEEK. Not a month, not a year, not a decade, A WEEK. Hell in the case of the interview I just got out of it had only been 2 days from when I left until they saw my resume and we set up an interview. In other words 6 of the 8 days that I have been unemployed I was waiting on them to be ready to interview me.

I get it if someone has been out of work for 6+ months, and I get being less than enthused with their answer if they said they spent 6 months picking their nose. However its been 8 fucking days! What could they possibly be wanting for an answer aside from taking a little time and looking for work for 8 days?

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