
I’ve only worked 4 jobs.. but I’m already traumatized

Now, I belive this is the right subreddit to post in, but the way the system has failed me makes me incredibly upset, and I want to share about it, almost a year later. I, 18f, work for a store in the USA (starts with a w, yes you know it) on two separate occasions. The second time was awful. The first time, when I worked front end, was amazing. However, around the beginning of last October, I took an OGP position. When I worked up front, I had heard about these two team leads (my direct managers) before and everyone hated them, but I couldn't figure out why. They were so sweet and nice, and for the first to two months everything was wonderful. One fo the managers, who was the older one (both were women) would even give me hugs, which was unheard of. They were so sweet…

Now, I belive this is the right subreddit to post in, but the way the system has failed me makes me incredibly upset, and I want to share about it, almost a year later. I, 18f, work for a store in the USA (starts with a w, yes you know it) on two separate occasions. The second time was awful. The first time, when I worked front end, was amazing. However, around the beginning of last October, I took an OGP position.

When I worked up front, I had heard about these two team leads (my direct managers) before and everyone hated them, but I couldn't figure out why. They were so sweet and nice, and for the first to two months everything was wonderful. One fo the managers, who was the older one (both were women) would even give me hugs, which was unheard of. They were so sweet and wonderful and did things that touched my heart, like getting me ribbon when I lost my bow.

At the time, I was 17. And after one day towards the end of November, I stopped wearing a cute bow. Well, here's why. I came into work, happy and excited, at 4 pm. I came from school from across the street. I came in, checked the safe that held our handhelds (company “phones” that were chunky and helped us do orders). The older boss was in a foul mood, but I just kinda didn't say anything to her. However, there were no handhelds in the safe. So, I went up to My boss and asked her for one.

My boss told me to “check the f***ing safe” and I said that there weren't in there. Out of stress and anger, she threw the handheld at me that she was holding. I was attending next to a wall and thankfully it hit the wall and not me, but it was dangerously close to my head. After she did that, with a now broken handheld on the floor, she got onto the radio for the teamleads and coaches and informed everyone that she was going home and stormed out. My other team lead calmly swept up the pieces, didn't even make eye contact with me, and moved on.

Mind you, all the dispensers either saw or looked after they heard the noise, because it was in the backroom. They all witnessed some/all of this. Now, she got in “trouble” (aka she stocked shelves for half a day) but stayed our team lead. However, what makes me even more upset was how walmart responded.

I called ethics, and they told me to speak with my store manager. They would not do anything about it. (Yet corporate came in when a doordash driver hit on me ‍). I got no apology, and it was shoved under the rug. I tried multiple times to switch departments FOR THIS REASON (I was now very scared to go into work) and was denied every time by my coach (department manager). I got ignored for four months by my team lead, although so much else happened back there (I have some other less large stories) and finally left when she finally spoke to me- by screaming at me. I quit In April of this year.

Come to find out I can't report something to the labor board unless it's within a month time frame. I was ticked when I found that out too. Anyways, yeah. I have some smaller stories including the management back there if anyone wants them.

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