
I’ve seen this sub and thought it was silly…

I just busted my ass and broke my back for 3 years at a company called TC Glass. I started with no experience, and I was the one to install the majority of the interior glass at the Missoula Montana library, which just got voted number one library in the world. I was installing more glass showers than anybody in Montana. Recently I heard that we were moving shops, and we were going to be focusing on residential work more, which meant I would be paid more and have a better job position, despite already being the lead residential glazier (glass installer). So I went along with it, rumors of being the highest paid glass tech in the state, and having a much more relaxed job. Well, come last Monday, I show up and put in a glass shower nobody else at the shop can install, and once I’m done…

I just busted my ass and broke my back for 3 years at a company called TC Glass. I started with no experience, and I was the one to install the majority of the interior glass at the Missoula Montana library, which just got voted number one library in the world. I was installing more glass showers than anybody in Montana. Recently I heard that we were moving shops, and we were going to be focusing on residential work more, which meant I would be paid more and have a better job position, despite already being the lead residential glazier (glass installer). So I went along with it, rumors of being the highest paid glass tech in the state, and having a much more relaxed job. Well, come last Monday, I show up and put in a glass shower nobody else at the shop can install, and once I’m done I get back to my shop and hear my boss needs to talk to me. I End up going into his office and he proceeds to say that he has good news and bad news.. The good news being that he has some gift cards for me, the bad news is that I no longer have a job because our shop will no longer be doing residential work moving forward. So now I have no job, and am not sure what to do moving forward.

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