
Jerk boss rant

So long story short, I got hired here as a cash employee, illegal I know. I got a new apartment recently, and decided it would both be safer and easier if I got paid paper check. While making cash, I did not get overtime, which I'm okay with because I'm not paying taxes. But now that I've gone to paper check, I'm STILL not getting overtime. So I confronted my boss and asked him, “aren't I supposed to be getting overtime now?” He said, and I quote, “I don't do overtime.”, To which I replied, “isn't that illegal?” He started getting mad and said, “what're you gonna do, sue me??” Then I listened to a 20 minute rant about how I'm lucky to even get paid this much and I can't “come at him” like that. What a world we live in, when your boss can tell you you make…

So long story short, I got hired here as a cash employee, illegal I know. I got a new apartment recently, and decided it would both be safer and easier if I got paid paper check. While making cash, I did not get overtime, which I'm okay with because I'm not paying taxes. But now that I've gone to paper check, I'm STILL not getting overtime.

So I confronted my boss and asked him, “aren't I supposed to be getting overtime now?”

He said, and I quote, “I don't do overtime.”, To which I replied, “isn't that illegal?”

He started getting mad and said, “what're you gonna do, sue me??” Then I listened to a 20 minute rant about how I'm lucky to even get paid this much and I can't “come at him” like that.

What a world we live in, when your boss can tell you you make GOOD MONEY at 15 an hour and no overtime when you average 54 hours a week.

Best believe I'm finding a new job

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