
Job agreed to allow me to WFH for 2 years then one day changed their mind and ordered me back to the office the next day

Two years ago, we all were sent home because the whole world came to a crashing halt. We figured it out and kept cranking out projects. No biggie. The entire office was asked to go back by June of 2020 but I asked to be able to stay at home. I have health issues and live with my MIL who has health issues as well, so maybe after we got vaccines I would feel more comfortable being in an office. They agreed. That year our company did so much work that we increased our profits from the previous year by like 20-30%. Awesome. By April-May, they were asking me to come back again. I pushed them off as much as I could but by July, all the adults in our family got the vaccine and not as many people were getting sick so…what the hell. I went back to work…

Two years ago, we all were sent home because the whole world came to a crashing halt. We figured it out and kept cranking out projects. No biggie. The entire office was asked to go back by June of 2020 but I asked to be able to stay at home. I have health issues and live with my MIL who has health issues as well, so maybe after we got vaccines I would feel more comfortable being in an office. They agreed. That year our company did so much work that we increased our profits from the previous year by like 20-30%. Awesome. By April-May, they were asking me to come back again. I pushed them off as much as I could but by July, all the adults in our family got the vaccine and not as many people were getting sick so…what the hell. I went back to work and wore a mask. I was the only person to do so in the entire office, which made me uncomfortable but I had the vaccine and I should be good, right? It only lasted a month because of some pre-planned construction in the office and then everyone was WFH again. Great for me! By October, they were ready for everyone to come back including me. But since the effectiveness of the vaccine was not as good as was initially thought and more and more people were getting sick again, I told them I would rather stay at home. We agreed (in writing) that when case rates were a certain level, I would go back to the office. Fine. Again the whole company beat the previous years profits by another 20-30%. I am one of my team's most profitable worker and my manager has no complaints about my work. Then early March 2022 comes and HR sends me an email at the end of the day. Basically, “you are to report to the office by 8 am or we take this as your resignation”. Apparently they did not like our agreement anymore and decided not to honor it. I send back the original email restating the agreement we had in place and that I would NOT be resigning. Don't go putting words in my mouth! I figured that they would either let it slide or they would fire me but I would NOT resign since that would not even leave me with the option of getting unemployment. They ignored my email until 430p the next day. I held my ground and tried to force my employer to keep their agreement with me to WFH and I got fired for it (with severance). Fuck em! Not going to see me crying. I already have a job interview for the following week and multiple recruiters calling me about other remote positions. They are within their right to fire whomever they want and for whatever reason they want but I also have the right not to rollover when they decide to change the rules based on a whim. You are the ones making money for your employer, not the other way around. And you should be able to trust them to hold up any agreement made by both parties.

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