
job at my workplace FINALLY got a raise they deserved!!!

I am just so excited I needed to share! The place I work at pays me will which is why I stay, I mostly like my job and like the people I work with, but the support staff was paid minimum wage and they all ended up quiting because no one could get by and they were trying to hire full time people but there are no adults willing to work for that because they couldn't survive off that in the very wealthy area my job is located. They upped the pay by $5 an hour. FINALLY. It should have been upped years ago. I'm so glad the support staff quit and I'm so happy everyone else banded together and refused to do the support staff jobs after they quit. (They attempted to force us to do it making less than minimum wage because we are paid via commission.) Just…

I am just so excited I needed to share!
The place I work at pays me will which is why I stay, I mostly like my job and like the people I work with, but the support staff was paid minimum wage and they all ended up quiting because no one could get by and they were trying to hire full time people but there are no adults willing to work for that because they couldn't survive off that in the very wealthy area my job is located.

They upped the pay by $5 an hour. FINALLY. It should have been upped years ago. I'm so glad the support staff quit and I'm so happy everyone else banded together and refused to do the support staff jobs after they quit. (They attempted to force us to do it making less than minimum wage because we are paid via commission.) Just needed to share that little victory

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