
Job barely pays, I get sick often, and my coworkers are racist

I work at a hotel from 9am to 7pm and it truly sucks. Whenever I get there my general manager and manager are so lovely. But all of that nice experience goes away once they leave. The cleaning staff at this hotel purposely stays as late as possible so they can drag ass and get paid as much as possible. They get word that I start realizing this and assume that I’m the one who changed the time on their clock in sheet (it was actually the manager). Ever since then the entire cleaning staff minus one lady absolutely hates me. Every single time they see me they always say “you talk so white what is wrong with you” or they’ll call me on the hotel phone and say “are you sure you work here? You sound way too white”. It literally breaks my soul dealing with this shit every…

I work at a hotel from 9am to 7pm and it truly sucks. Whenever I get there my general manager and manager are so lovely. But all of that nice experience goes away once they leave. The cleaning staff at this hotel purposely stays as late as possible so they can drag ass and get paid as much as possible.

They get word that I start realizing this and assume that I’m the one who changed the time on their clock in sheet (it was actually the manager). Ever since then the entire cleaning staff minus one lady absolutely hates me.

Every single time they see me they always say “you talk so white what is wrong with you” or they’ll call me on the hotel phone and say “are you sure you work here? You sound way too white”. It literally breaks my soul dealing with this shit every they (I’m the only white person that works there)

Oh and I get paid less than a McDonald’s worker yet I’m forced to manage the entire hotel by himself with no management experience (until my second shift person comes in then they take over).

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