
Job can’t make you clock out for 10 minute break question

So, I know that at least in California a job can't make you clock out for your 10 minute breaks because you have to legally get paid for them, but is it also illegal to have you go punch out on the time clock to log the time you left? We don't have to punch back in and from what I've noticed, I'm pretty sure we get paid for that time, but I can't say with certainty as my checks have always looked correct. I'm mainly asking because 1, it's a massive headache to do this because the sheer size of the establishment and the walking from place to place to clock out to the breakroom eats into our breaks, even with a grace period and 2, I don't know if it's even legally to ask us to do that regardless of getting paid for the time or not and…

So, I know that at least in California a job can't make you clock out for your 10 minute breaks because you have to legally get paid for them, but is it also illegal to have you go punch out on the time clock to log the time you left? We don't have to punch back in and from what I've noticed, I'm pretty sure we get paid for that time, but I can't say with certainty as my checks have always looked correct.

I'm mainly asking because 1, it's a massive headache to do this because the sheer size of the establishment and the walking from place to place to clock out to the breakroom eats into our breaks, even with a grace period and 2, I don't know if it's even legally to ask us to do that regardless of getting paid for the time or not and would like to make sure they aren't breaking any laws.

Edit: yes this is a burner account before anyone asks

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